In-Office Snoring Reduction Procedures

In-Office Snoring Reduction Procedures

Palate Stiffening Procedures

For patients with excessively floppy and loose soft palates, soft palate stiffening can reduce the sound of snoring. One common method is with an Injection Snoreplasty, which involves an injection of medication into the soft palate that creates a scar in the soft palate. The scar stiffens the soft palate and can result in less snoring. Radiofrequency ablation of excessive soft palate tissue can result in scar-stiffening as well. Another method is suture stiffening, which uses a dissolvable suture to tighten the soft palate.


For patients with excessively floppy and long uvulas (the uvula is the long dangly part of your soft palate that hangs down in the back of your throat), removing part or all of the uvula can often help with snoring.

All of the above procedures can potentially be performed under local anesthesia in the office. If you are interested in learning more, please make an appointment in the office by calling 914.686.3950.